Advertising & Partnerships

Affiliate Disclosure

Fitgenic engages in affiliate marketing whereby funds can be received through clicks and/or the sale of goods or services to affiliate programs through this website.

Fitgenic may also accept advertising and sponsorships from commercial businesses or receive other advertising compensation. This disclosure is intended to comply with the US Federal Trade Commission Rules on marketing and advertising and any other legal requirements that may apply.

Fitgenic can only continue with fans like yourself. We truly do love being able to run Fitgenic and help our loyal readers with their fitness at any level. Thank you for trusting us and allowing our team to provide health and self-improvement advice.

We take your fitness journey seriously -- every review we provide is as thorough as possible.

Additionally, we've done our best to make all affiliate links red-colored throughout our site for the utmost transparency. 

How You Can Support Fitgenic

  1. Word of mouth – Tell your fitness friends about Fitgenic. This is the best way we grow.
  2. Social sharing – Share Fitgenic on Twitter, Facebook, and other popular social media sites.
  3. Add a link – Do you have a blog or website? Consider adding a link to Fitgenic. We're always willing to collaborate with other health & fitness-related websites.


Fitgenic participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

External Links

This website contains links to other sites. Fitgenic cannot be responsible for such websites' privacy practices or content.


For additional questions regarding advertising or partnerships, please email

Last Updated: August 29, 2023